Monday, December 30, 2019

Comparison Of Langston Hughes And I Are Different From...

I am that girl in the back of the room who will never be described as an outgoing individual. My presence does not come off as that of the most popular kid. I can walk into a room and no one will notice I am there. I was an average kid in high school: I got decent grades, watched the same shows as my peers, celebrated the same holidays, etc. I seemed to fit in on the outside that which makes me different was unnoticeable. Both Langston Hughes and I are different from our peers, we are considered outsiders. Hughes is considered an outsider because of his race. I was an outsider because of my legal status and lack of social security number. Hughes’ status as an outsider is made evident through his daily route to from school. My status as an outsider was evident through the process of applying for college. I am an immigrant born in the state of Puebla, Mexico. I arrived in the United States at the age of three; I started kindergarten without knowing anything but the words, Hello, how are you? in English. I honestly cannot say I was able to fully understand English until third grade, but from then on I was able to thrive in school. As soon as I was able to manage the English language, I achieved high honors in school, and my love for reading and writing came to be. My parents had always stressed the importance of college and how I was an example for my brother and younger cousins. Even before senior year I knew I was going straight to college, a gap year was not in myShow MoreRelatedGender Is Socially Developed And Biologically Developed1225 Words   |  5 Pagessociety and culture characterizes and creates thoughts and attributes on issues that shift all through certain time periods and different cultures. There are numerous speculations that propose the improvement of the distinctions when managing the varieties of males and females in the public eye. Some social researchers propose biological contrasts, referring to the different mind structures and the hormonal contrasts between the genders. Others merit society, opposing that the methodology of socializationRead MoreThe Revolution Of The American Revolution1894 Words   |  8 PagesAmerica has always been a hodge-podge of a multitude of different cultures from around the world, somehow settling into a new sort of culture all its own. Whether that new culture transformed into a sort of â€Å"cultural mosaic† of the diverse cultures or a â€Å"melting pot,† meaning one American culture to assimilate into, has been widely contested for generations. Almost a century ago, Theodore Roosevelt notes some Revolutionary War-era immigrants as being â€Å"the best immigrants we have ever received; soonerRead MoreTEFL Assignment Answers23344 Words   |  94 Pagesare accustomed to using the language—our students, on the other hand, are not. So, this preliminary information informs instructors to build classroom environments that encourage and maintain verbal participa tion from the students. In essence, we are not to build curriculum that reflects the traditional lecture-style of instruction. The best instructors should incorporate more direct—student-centered—methods of instruction. If I were to quantify talk-time, I would assume a 25% -Teacher/75%-Student

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