Saturday, February 29, 2020

Canterbury Tales Analysis

Physically the two characters appear extremely different. The knight is dressed in a fustian tunic, â€Å"Stained and dark with smudges where his armour had left mark† (Chaucer 5). Although he is a distinguished man, he dresses humbly and does not give the appearance of arrogance. It is also apparent that he carries a sword, which would match his profession as a knight because he is able to fight. The Sea Captain’s attire matches his occupation. He wears a â€Å"Woollen gown that [reaches] his knee† (Chaucer 15); he is tan and has a large beard. He carries a dagger, implying that he knows how to fight and defend himself like the Knight. Considering their occupations, one can find many similarities. They are both very proficient at their jobs. The Sea Captain is described as having no competition: â€Å"None from Hull to Carthage was his match† (Chaucer 16). He is experienced and knows the seas better than any captain. He is known for his skill at commanding his ship, the Maudelayne. He frequently travels the sea. Similarly, the knight is a traveler, except on land. He is an experienced fighter, as he has been in many battles. He was present at the battle where Alexandria was taken in 1365 by the King of Cyprus. In fifteen mortal battles he had been† (Chaucer 5). According to the examples of battles given in the text, the knight rarely loses a battle. He owns fine horses and is skilled at riding horseback. However, behavior is what really sets these two characters apart. The knight is a chivalrous man. He believes in truth, honor, and generosity. People look up to him; he is â€Å"Ever honoured for his noble graces† (Chaucer 4). A Christian and a virtuous man, he is even more humbled by his position as a knight. His many victories did not permit him to lose his modesty; instead, they led him to be wise and honorable. The Sea Captain, in contrast, is a fearsome character. When dealing with prisoners, â€Å"The nicer rules of conscience he ignored† (Chaucer 16); they walked the plank. Not a virtuous man by any means, he has a reputation of stealing goods from traders while they sleep. Those who fight him fear him. He does not have a high position in society, but his brutality and prudence make him successful in battle. He is revered for his skill and success, but people do not look up to him. In summary, the use of foil by Chaucer enables the reader to notice differences and similarities between the Knight and the Sea Captain. They have similar occupations, but different roles in society as well as nearly opposite personalities. The foil emphasizes their characteristics to make them even more prominent to the reader. For example, the knight’s Christian values make the Sea Captain seem extremely harsh and lowly in comparison. The reader will be able to gain more out of the story these characters tell because of how detailed their character sketches are. Specifically, the characters are given more depth by their similarities and differences to other characters in the tale.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

The Impact of Social Media Technology on Individuals Essay

The Impact of Social Media Technology on Individuals - Essay Example Browsing these sites makes one feel connected to a much larger community. However, such an easy and casual connection on the internet can also have its pitfalls (Ramli 646). The social media technology has an immense psychological impact on individuals. The positive aspect of this entire experience lies on social media’s capability to connect several people together. The central part USP of social media such as Twitter and Facebook is their ability to connect the world across every nation, and this has brought a certain sense of joy to its users. One is capable of meeting old friends on Facebook, and be in touch with these people irrespective of where they are located makes it have a strong psychological impact on individuals (Das 223). However, it has its detrimental side too. It is exciting to see a good number of adults and several teens wake up, and the first thing they do even before brushing their teeth is to log to Twitter and Facebook. Facebook encourages idling, and t his has made a number of people to get distracted completely from what they initially intended to do. It begins with two minutes of Facebook to two hours, and this may stretch to days. This addiction to social media sites has made some individuals become unaware of their time zones; thus, creating negative impacts on the mindsets of individuals. The prioritizing of these activities has led to misplaced priorities over varying many very important activities (Ahn 23). The social media technology has also led to revolutionary impact. The prominent power of this technology is its ability to muster support for social causes within a short time. A good example is an unrest in the Arab world. This is one of the achievements of social media (Ahn 24). Both Facebook and Twitter have been used in galvanizing the dictator regime, as well as to remove it from office. The Tahrir Square uprising in Egypt is a perfect example of how social media played a significant role in the struggle for change. In as much as social media brought about the revolution; it triggered tension and fear among people as a result of the threats and posts that were being spread through it (Ramli 645). So far, the biggest negative impact of social media technology revolves around the unfairness that they have intrinsically created on the private life of its users. These sites have encouraged many people to engage themselves and expose their private life to the public. This is because the intimate details of their lives can be posted so easily. This is attributed to the fact that some users are likely to bypass the filters that they should employ when discussing their private lives. Worse still, the things that are posted remain available indefinitely for people all over the world to see. While the users of these sites are capable of controlling the number of people who see what they post, these limitations are forgotten, and leakage of information through friends is also possible. Social media has a lso led to cyber infidelity, and this is capable of destroying relationships. It enables people to connect and make new relationships with people all over the world. You can imagine waking up and finding out that your spouse has updated her Facebook status as single. People posting comments of this sad break up in your relationship can make one extremely miserable. This shows how relationships of this age have been made cheap by social media.  

Saturday, February 1, 2020

How Dell Uses Effective Strategy to Gain Competitive Advantage Dissertation

How Dell Uses Effective Strategy to Gain Competitive Advantage - Dissertation Example Dell being among the primary sellers of computers is what has led to the question of what type of strategy is often utilized. Learning about the type of strategy being initiated by Dell is significant as it enables the reader to understand what it takes to be the best in the market. Therefore, the strategy that is being utilized by Dell Corporation is the direct sales approach. Dell Corporation direct sales approach is one of the most successful strategic innovations of the past that has generated positive results for the company. The firm was able to come up with a model that undercuts its competitors on price, forge closer links with its clients and offer shareholders a return several times as compared to the market price. Significantly, Dell’s direct sales model was initially singularly suited with the intention of maximizing the cash conversion cycle. The firm was able to carry little inventory in the process because it bought components on a just-in-time basis. The signif icance of the approach is customers often paid Dell Corporation more quickly than it paid suppliers, and, as a result, cash flow at Dell was positive. Furthermore, little inventory for Dell led to the reduction in component costs that could easily be passed rapidly to clients. The outcome of the process, therefore, led the firm to improve its competitive position in the market. Furthermore, the direct sales model made Dell an industry and shareholder’s sweetheart, a high-tech pioneer with seemingly limitless growth.